Picture this: I battled chronic pain for a staggering three decades. But guess what? I found the key to unlock pain-free living through the incredible power of muscle activation. It wasn't just a game-changer; it was a life-transformation that blew my mind. And now, I'm on a mission to share this life-altering knowledge with the world!
Welcome to The Yogi Club – your gateway to a world of on-demand access. Here, you'll find an array of AYAMA™ classes, immersive series and workshops, courses for yoga teacher development, and certification programs. All designed with one singular purpose: to liberate humanity from pain!
—If you are battling pain, yearning for a simple, effective solution.
—If you are a professional aiding others upon their pain journey, craving a fresh approach to guide them towards healing.
⬇︎ Start your journey to a pain-free life today! ⬇︎
Let's make this happen together!
One I’ve seen work time and time again with hundreds of my students: Applied Yoga Anatomy and Muscle Activation™ .
This revolutionary way to practice yoga focuses on activating and engaging the muscles — not stretching them out.
I developed and used this proven system to not only heal my chronic pain issues but to help countless others who have struggled for years in pain — and they are shocked when they complete a short 10-minute practice and feel stronger, more mobile, and, most importantly, pain-free.
That’s why I decided to do whatever I could to make this technique as accessible as possible for those who need it…
Ready to feel at your best in your body starting right now? Join me to:
➤Heal Your Pain: Learn a powerful solution, specific to your pain-point, to start feeling better today!
➤Help Others Heal Their Pain: Be trained in AYAMA™, a science-backed method for eliminating pain.
Hi! I’m Aaron, master yoga teacher, muscle specialist, and creator of AYAMA™ (Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation), the revolutionary approach to eliminate pain in the body that ditches the prescribed stretches while igniting alignment, power, and purpose through muscle activation.
I've been practicing and teaching yoga for over 30 years and after a decades long struggle with chronic pain and a close encounter with a spinal fusion — I discovered something radical... Stretching was causing me more harm than good! In fact, stretching was at the root of my pain! As I unraveled this paradigm-shifting revelation, my pain went away, I became obsessed with sharing what I learned with others, and AYAMA™ was born!
If you are are ready to learn a simple solution to those nagging aches and pain or are a professional seeking a new way to help your students and clients overcome their chronic pain conditions —Join me to learn the AYAMA™ methodology and practices to begin living your best, pain-free life today!
Click the button below to start for FREE!
With membership you will receive:
Valued at $1800! For only $9.99 a month.
“"Every beginner and seasoned yogi alike could benefit from Yogi Aaron's knowledge of Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™. As a larger guy, I am always mindful of those teachers that teach yoga with support and safety as a primary focus and those who do not. By learning Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™, and deliberately incorporating these techniques into a class, you not only strengthen muscles, but you teach them to function correctly, efficiently, and effectively. This leads to increased stability and range of motion in the movements. With a focus of function over form, not only will you have a strong foundation...you'll be a strong foundation." ”
With membership you will receive:
Valued at $1800! For only $9.99 a month.
“After long periods with chronic pain, trying different treatments, and doing a lot of stretching, I signed up for the 200 YTT at BlueOsa and did the Free 15-day challenge in advance. I am amazed and so grateful for how quickly the muscle activation and relaxation techniques stopped my pain and tension. Now I use the online library almost every day to get deeper into the knowledge and to stay pain-free. ”
With membership you will receive:
Valued at $1800! For only $9.99 a month.
“As a former Ashtanga practitioner, I had to unlearn a lot and relearn a new pain-free way of yoga during my teacher training with Aaron. The way he integrates his knowledge of Applied Yoga Anatomy and Muscle Activation™ is a mindful and safe way to practice yoga. In a short period of time, my shoulder pain got less and less and I felt more strength throughout my body. Now I look at some poses in yoga in a different light and have a much greater understanding of their impact on the body.”
With membership you will receive:
Valued at $1800! For only $9.99 a month.
“Yogi Aaron has been a mentor for more years than I would like to mention. He is my first "go to" when I have an issue I cannot work out.”
With membership you will receive:
Valued at $1800! For only $9.99 a month.
“The Yogi Club Chakra Course is a great learning tool to dive deeper into learning about the chakras. What I love the most are the asana and sitting practices that Yogi Aaron teaches in relation to each chakra. There are video practices of poses, meditation and sitting techniques to help awaken each chakra. The course is designed to go at your own pace. Lots of knowledge to be gained in this course and I love Aaron’s passion on the subject of chakras!”
“Recently my girlfriend invited me to join her for one of Yogi Aaron's online Applied Yoga Anatomy + Muscle Activation™ classes focusing on the hips. Admittedly, I told her I would practice with her for the first 10 minutes or so, and then my plan was to go lift some weights. But instantly I was hooked and stayed for the entire hour-long session. First off, Yogi Aaron's pace, instruction, knowledge of the body, and his ability to weave it all together with a sense of humor really impressed me. His guidance led me to experience new places in my body that I've been disconnected from for way too long. I could literally feel the muscles being activated in my hips and back. As I accessed these muscles consciously, long-held tension was released. I started to feel more relaxed and centered within and at the same time, like I was getting stronger too (which surprised me since the movements we were doing were not super strenuous). After the practice, I was standing taller and felt solid in my legs and feet. I've taken lots of yoga classes over the years and usually always feel calmer after each. But the results I experienced after doing Yogi Aaron's practice were deep, tangible, and literally stayed with me for days. I can honestly say I'm pumped to do more sessions with him and to keep learning his unique style of yoga. Thank you Yogi Aaron! ”
Everything you need to know about AYAMA™ and your pain-free journey.
If you still have questions after reviewing our FAQ's reach out! Send your questions to info@theyogi.club and we'll get back to you right away.
Most people feel a reduction in their pain immediately following their first AYAMA™ practice (in addition to feeling stronger, more stable, and an increased range of motion or sense of mobility). However, everyone's pain journey is unique, therefore results do vary. Some people may require consistent practice for several weeks before they begin to experience pain relief.
Life happens, therefore there is no way to guarantee once you experience relief from your pain that it will last forever. But, by making AYAMA™ a part of your daily health routine, you will increase your strength, stability, mobility, and freedom from pain. Your muscles and entire body will become more resilient. If you experience physical stress or an injury you'll find your recovery time is shorter and that you can bounce back more easily. We like to think of AYAMA™ as a key ingredient to a healthy pain-free life — not a quick-fix, one-and-done exercise.
YES! If you are in pain, we highly recommend you focus on your own healing journey first. Once you experience the power of AYAMA™ and relief from your pain, we know you will want to share it with others. There are lots of ways to do this and we'll guide you every step of the way.
If you find AYAMA™ useful in eliminating your pain, we highly encourage you to share it with as many people as possible! However, to be certified to teach AYAMA™ to others you must complete Levels 1-3 of our Online AYAMA™ Certification Training and already be a certified yoga teacher. For anyone who wants to teach AYAMA™ to others who is not already a certified yoga teacher, we offer a special package option that includes our Online AYAMA™ Certification Training (Levels 1-3) + our Online Yoga Teacher Training Program.
The Yogi Club is Yogi Aaron's online membership platform that includes an on-demand library of hundreds of hours of AYAMA™ classes, courses, workshops, and yoga teacher development curriculum. Interested yogis can sign up for Monthly or Yearly subscriptions to The Yogi Club to gain access to this exclusive community and premium yoga content. The Yogi Club subscription is also included with the Online AYAMA™ Certification Program and the Online Yoga Teacher Training Program.